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Mauritius best economy performe in Africa
The country is rated as the best performing economy by the World Economic Forum (WEF) Africa Global competitiveness Report
2015 entitled: "Transforming Africa's Economies" released on June 4,
2015 in South Africa. According to press released, Mauritius which ranks 39th among the 144 economies assessed
worldwide, remains the most competitive economy in Africa particularly
with the reforms upon which the country has embarked since 2006 with
regards to the conducive environment for the financial services sector
and the labour market and in the areas of infrastructure, health,
primary education as well as in macroeconomic performance.
The report also further notes that along with Seychelles, Mauritius
is currently transitioning to the innovation-driven stage. To increase
competitiveness, the report further states that small open economies
such as Mauritius need to put in place a skilled workforce and a
business environment that is supportive for innovation and adaptive to
new technologies.
Furthermore, the report recommends that a competitiveness agenda for
most African countries should prioritise building out the basic
fundamentals as their first critical step towards improving productivity
and competitiveness. These include the provision of sound institutions
and macroeconomic policies, adequate infrastructure, and the means for
ensuring a healthy and educated workforce.