Chai bora

Chai bora is one of the product brand that have spread all over the country and its well known by people. The company that produce Chai bora started packed Chai bora in 1994. The company is leader in tea market with the factory located in mafinga,Iringa.
Kilimanjaro drinking water
This is one of the top brands in Tanzania produced and packed by bonite bottlers in Moshi,Kilimanjaro. The product have spread all over the country. Large number of people recognize Kilimanjaro drinking water as their best drinking water brand.
The Independent television is own by Ipp media . The television is almost spread of over the country.
University of Dar es Salaam
Located in Dar es Salaam the university was established in 1970. It one of most knowing university in East Africa and Africa. The university has huge number of students from different part of the country and from different countries.
Korie Cooking Oil

The oil is produced and packed by Murzar Oil Mills located in Dar es Salaam.
This is one of most value brand in Africa. The product is produced of Tanzania with best quality coffee. This is one of the best product produced in Tanzania.
Azam cola
The brand is own by Azam Bakhresa Group, located in Dar es Salaam.