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Tuesday 26 May 2015

Most valuable global brands 2015

Forbes has released list of top valuable brands 

The brand is now worth $ 145.3 billion according to Forbes count.  Apple sold 74.8 million smartphones worldwide in the fourth quarter of 2014 with phone sales up 49%. it was the first quarter Apple sold more phones that Samsung since 2011. According to Forbes Samsung spends nearly $ 4 billion on advertising to sway consumers while Apple spent only one-third as much at $ 1.2 billion last year.
The brand worth $69.3 billion up 10%.The company is intriguing developers and introducing captivating products like its Hololens, a headset which brings hidef holograms to life using windows. The company aim to release windows 10 by this summer in USA.
Other bands that made to top five include Google ($65.6 billion), Coca Cola ($56 billion) and IBM ($ 46.8 billion)
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